Typhone.nl, a Dutch testing organization, conducted tests between the various voice assistant features on multiple platforms. The tests put Hound up against more established players like Siri, Google Now and Cortana. So how did Hound fare against all the competition? Extremely well.
It seems that one of the strong suits of Hound is its ability to recognize users who have a heavy accent. It is also able to follow up on previous enquiries made by the user, as opposed to the other apps where a followup query is usually treated as a new search, meaning that depending on how you phrase it, they won’t be able to catch onto the context of your query.
Several sources say that the company has had the app in development for years and it shows. Hound takes the other three digital assistants to the woodshed and just beats them up! There are two YouTube videos listed at the end of this article. Be sure to visit each so you can see what Hound can really do. Here are some of the questions Hound can answer with lightening speed:
- “How many days are there between the day after tomorrow and three days before the second Thursday of November 2022?”
- “What is the population of the capital of the country in which the Space Needle is located?”
- “What is the capital and population for Japan and China and their areas in square miles and square kilometers, and also tell me how many people live in India, and what is the area code for Germany, France and Italy?”
- “Show me Asian restaurants excluding Chinese and Japanese?”
The app doesn’t just answer complex questions. You can have it book a hotel inside of a specific price range with a given number of stars in its rating that has a gym, free wi-fi and is not a bed and breakfast.
The demos on YouTube point to a product that is close to release. But the app is currently in an invite-only beta and the company hasn’t commented on any release date.
YouTube Videos:
Functionality Overview
Speed Demo